Fundamentals of Choosing a Gearbox


Choosing a gearbox may be very challenging. Customers can select from a range of gearboxes that can meet a variety of needs. Making the incorrect choice might necessitate buying a more costly gearbox. A gearbox that can manage dynamic motion may be required by the motion control or servo industries, whereas the power transmission business may require one that can withstand overhung loads.

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The difference between sizing to the load and sizing to the motor is one of the primary sizing trouble spots. Although sizing the gearbox to the motor could be easier and provide a functional transmission, the gearbox will end up being more expensive than necessary. Additionally, this gearbox is overqualified for the intended use. On the other hand, sizing to the load will guarantee that a gearbox is more economical, matches the application, and could even have a smaller footprint.

Standard Features of Application Sizing:

There are a few factors of gearbox sizing that are universally applicable. Details and analysis of those criteria will be provided in this section.

1. Service Elements

Prior to applying a size, the client has to ascertain the service factor. The necessary value of an application over the unit’s rated value is commonly referred to as the service factor. When there are factors like irregular load, long service hours, or high outside temperatures, the service factor has to be calculated.

What would be the meaning of a service factor? A unit is said to have just enough capacity to handle the application if its service factor is 1.0. Extra requirements are not tolerated, as this might lead to overheating or gearbox failure. A 1.4 service factor is sufficient for the majority of industrial applications. The gearbox can manage 1.4 times the application need, according to this service factor. The gearbox would be sized to handle 1,400 inch-pounds if the application called for 1,000 inch-pounds. The amount of service factor that should be employed in a particular application will depend on a number of things. The manufacturer determines how the service factor will vary. Please review the specs provided by the manufacturer.

2. The environment and ambient temperature

Elevated outside temperatures cause an increase in internal pressure, necessitating a rise in the service factor employed. Different lubricant viscosities and seal materials may be needed at high or low temperatures.

Another crucial factor in gearbox size is the environment in which it will work. The device may experience increased wear in harsh situations. Special materials are frequently needed in dusty or unclean situations to stop corrosion and the growth of microorganisms. Certain oils and coatings that are FDA acceptable are needed in food and beverage operations. Due to the lack of air for cooling, vacuum settings need for specific grease and heat dissipation concerns. If these environmental factors are not taken into consideration, the gearbox may not be able to support the application as intended. While sizing a gearbox, each of these factors needs to be taken into account.

3. Shock Load or Load Type

The gear teeth and shaft bearings may experience higher wear due to high shock or impact loads. Should this wear go unconsidered during sizing, it might result in early failure. A higher service factor will be necessary to handle these loads. Non-uniform loads fluctuate while the program is running, but uniform loads remain constant. Even little non-uniform loads will need a larger service factor than uniform loads. A conveyor carrying a fixed quantity of merchandise is an illustration of a uniform load. A non-uniform load would be any kind of application that involves sporadic cutting. The torque on the gearbox increases on a regular basis due to this sporadic cutting force, resulting in an uneven load.

4. Mechanism or Output Style

A sprocket, pulley, or toothed pinion are a few examples of output devices. Variations in output arrangements, including dual output shafts or shaft-mounted bushings, will reduce the unit’s rated overhung load. Shaft loads added by various output methods vary and need to be taken into account. Axial loads can also be produced by mechanisms such as helical gearing, but most processes will result in large radial loads. Different bearings may be needed for these outputs in order to accommodate the additional axial or radial load.

5. Hollow Bore or Output Shaft Size

The output shaft and bore size must fit client specifications for sizing an application. These might include the unit’s stainless output, its keyed or keyless shaft, its keyed or keyless hollow bore, or its flanged output in conjunction with any of the aforementioned features. A client may need to buy a larger gearbox or a different model of gearbox to accommodate their existing shaft if the unit’s bore size is incorrect. In certain cases, the client can alter their shaft to employ the most economical unit while offering the best possible outcome.

6. Types of Housing

It’s crucial to take mounting into account when choosing a gearbox. A unit may feature simple tapped holes on one or more sides, mounting feet, or a flange on the output. A range of alternatives might eliminate the requirement for bespoke frames or brackets because these housing types may restrict how a device is installed. For instance, if the unit’s bottom face had tapped holes, mounting an L-bracket around the output wouldn’t be necessary.

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