Thankfully, it appears that the days of the stuffy office cubicle are coming to an end. Innovation and creativity more easily become the standard when outdated concepts are abandoned in favor of fresh, modern methods to how we operate. However, it can be challenging to overcome old habits and let this creativity really blossom when we’re so set in our ways.

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Furthermore, if your company is extremely risk-averse, things could get worse, especially if there are deadlines to meet. If you tend to play it safe, bringing some creativity into the mix could not only increase output but also make your workday more fulfilling and less of a chore.

Practice is the key to releasing your creative energy. You’ll become more proficient at it with time, just like anything else you have to practice. Here are a few work-related activities that will help you become more innovative and creative throughout the day.

Optimize the environment

Workers must be inspired by their environment in order for them to start being creative. The design of the workspace can greatly influence how much creativity is allowed to flourish, whether you start from scratch or just improve what’s already there.

Take a look at the volume levels first. While quiet spaces are beneficial for concentration, mild background noise can also foster creativity. If certain employees find noise to be an issue, you might want to think about setting up quiet spaces or rooms for them to retreat to when they need to focus.

Think about the colors in your workplace as well. Colors like white, grey, beige, and tan tend to be uninspired and sterile, which is a surefire way to stifle originality. Choose pastel hues of green and blue to create a more calming atmosphere that is also easier on the eyes. Include some plants as well. Employees who work in environments with natural elements report higher levels of productivity, well-being, and creativity. Conversely, brighter hues like orange and red are thought to stimulate the brain and may add some vibrancy to talks and meetings.

Remembering the temperature is also important. Anything that is excessively hot or cold will be oppressive, but the ideal temperature can create a cozy space that inspires creativity, with advantages that more than balance the costs.


Provide a whiteboard in a prominent location for staff members to write ideas, queries, daily puzzle solutions, and other brain-stirring activities. You never know; this could be the birthplace of the company’s next big idea.

Though it’s a little less common, placing sheets of white butcher paper on break room tables can accomplish the same thing by transforming lunchtime into an unplanned brainstorming session. Employees won’t feel pressured to come up with something because of the laid-back, no-pressure design of such things.


When workers feel appreciated, they are driven to excel because of the support they receive. As a manager, you should convey to staff members that you value their uniqueness. They should be treated as distinct individuals with distinctive traits and characteristics.


Letting people contribute their own ideas is a part of this uniqueness. In particular, if your office was previously fairly closed off, a public approach might cause people to back off. Emphasize that these suggestions are anonymous. When you solicit creative ideas, staff members might be hesitant to share them with their peers. Place suggestion boxes instead, allowing employees to anonymously submit ideas without fear of repercussions.

This is an effective way to push your group to take more chances, which will also benefit your company as a whole. While not every suggestion will change everything, allowing for suggestions will help to demonstrate to staff that you are receptive to input. As a result, employees come up with more original ideas and think outside the box, which is a welcome change from being afraid of making mistakes.


While it’s admirable to accept suggestions, employees are more inclined to make original suggestions and use their imaginations when they witness their ideas realized. Make it a point to inform them that their new ideas are being implemented, instead of just nodding along as a token gesture.

Inform your team of any ideas you think have potential once you’ve decided they will work. Aim to identify the original idea’s source as soon as results start to show. By doing this, you will encourage your staff members to provide ideas in the future.


We’re talking about holding your meetings on two feet the next time, not the open mic kind. Meetings that are stood up have a totally different vibe and energy, and there is a noticeable increase in activity and enthusiasm. The next time you’re in a boardroom, start standing still if you want ideas to be implemented.


Setting limits and guidelines might seem like the antithesis of creativity, but it actually encourages dynamic and inventive thinking. This could be as simple as clearing off some space on your desk or as drastic as temporarily forbidding the use of any words or tools you typically use for communication. Try working in these more constrained modes and see how it goes. You might not always come up with the best idea, but the idea is to get you thinking in different ways about the tasks you would normally complete.


It’s always better to have two heads than one. If you want someone to bounce ideas off of, choose a coworker you get along with and work together on a project. Encourage them to try new things, such as sharing motivational articles, coming up with novel ways to pitch ideas, or getting together to brainstorm. You never know what you might find out.


It has been demonstrated that meditation has a significant positive impact on creativity, decreasing pointless brainstorming and encouraging some really great ideas. This is due to the fact that it reduces activity in the area of the brain responsible for anxiety while simultaneously stimulating the parts of the brain involved in problem-solving, creative thought, and emotional processing.

While all of these are helpful in any situation, they can be especially helpful during hectic times. Hence, it’s a good idea to designate spaces where you can spend even a brief respite from the day. Urge your coworkers to adopt the practice of slowing down in order to see the wider picture, reduce stress, and prevent burnout.


Even if you just stroll the office’s perimeter, make sure to take a break from the office and get outside. Not only will it break up the day, but it might also give you a new outlook on the issues you face. You’ll be able to approach things differently when you get back to your desk.


Positive reinforcement and innovative ideas are both beneficial. Therefore, be sure to combine the two if you’re seeking for a more creative workplace culture. Incentives that are worthwhile striving for will promote creativity everywhere and let staff members know that their efforts will be rewarded in kind.

Not every recommendation, though, will be beneficial. Nonetheless, it’s critical to preserve a positive environment because criticism of ideas never fosters creativity. Instead, a negative response to a concept will only make innovation in the workplace less likely.

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