Six Arguments for Caring About Our Food Choices

These days, it seems certain that food and beverages will always be stocked on our grocery shelves. We can become less picky about what we eat if we don’t have to worry about food availability and have access to a large range of items, but doing so has drawbacks.

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It’s critical that we all choose our dietary intake wisely. Here are six compelling arguments for why food is something that each and every one of us should cherish, along with some suggestions for improving our eating habits.

1. Eating is necessary for good health

Food is necessary for our existence, but certain meals are better for our health and wellbeing than others since they give us the energy and nutrition our bodies require. We may maintain and avoid illnesses like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease by eating a varied and balanced diet that includes foods high in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and other foods.

2. The manufacturing of food may harm the environment.

The environment is suffering greatly as a result of our existing food systems. These systems, which include the farming, processing, and distribution of all our food, account for 20% to 35% of greenhouse gas emissions; hence, the food system plays a major role in the acceleration of climate change and all of its side effects.

Food production contributes significantly to global deforestation and biodiversity loss in addition to greenhouse gas emissions. Approximately 70% of the deforestation that occurs worldwide is thought to be caused by the conversion of forest land for agricultural use. In addition to increasing the effect of our food on climate change, the removal of trees that can serve as “carbon sinks” results in the destruction of animal habitats. This contributes to biodiversity losses, as do other widespread practices in the food chain like overfishing and excessive pesticide use, which pollute soil and waterways.Six

3. Our food supply is questionable going forward.

While food production is presently a major contributor to biodiversity loss and climate change, these problems may also pose a danger to our food security in the future. According to current projections, rising average temperatures may cause food crops to produce 10% less, and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels may cause same crops to produce fewer nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile, since wild pollinators like bees and butterflies are in danger of becoming extinct, and as plants and animals grow more susceptible to pests and illnesses, biodiversity loss may have an effect on our ability to produce food in the future.

Our food systems also have to contend with the constantly expanding global population, urbanization, and shifts in global consumer habits. We must reduce the environmental effect of food production and assure our future food security by making a widespread shift to more sustainable diets in order to fulfill this growing demand and ensure that everyone receives appropriate nourishment.

4. We squander much too much food.

Paradoxically, we are squandering a ton of food at the same time as we are fighting lot guarantee food security. The EU produces over 88 million tons of food waste annually, squandering not just the food’s nutritional worth but also all the energy, labor, and resources (soil, water, air, and land) used in its production. Minimizing food waste is an easy approach to lessen our food’s negative environmental effects, increase food security, and even cut down on our food budget!

Households are responsible for almost half of food waste, thus by adopting minor behavioral and habit modifications, we may significantly lower the quantity of food wasted. To reduce food waste, try meal planning, putting older food items in the front of your shelves to promote consumption, preserving leftovers, and composting food scraps.

5. Honoring those higher in the food chain

The social costs associated with food production are another crucial component of our food system. Supply chains sometimes contain labor-related concerns, including inadequate pay, threats to one’s health and safety, and in certain situations, modern slavery.

By encouraging small-scale producers to trade for better prices, upholding higher ethical and environmental standards, and safeguarding and empowering laborers employed on large-scale farms, plantations, or estates, ethical certifications like Fairtrade can assist in addressing these kinds of social challenges.

6. Holding on to our culture

Not to mention, food plays a role in our society. Understanding and honoring the provenance of our food may keep us rooted in our cultural history and strengthen the ties that bind individuals from different backgrounds together.

Economic and social advantages can also be derived from the history and culture of our cuisine. For instance, certain EU food items are “protected” to highlight their distinctive qualities derived from the town or area in which they are produced or from the traditional technique by which they are made. These “protected” food items support local economies in the communities where they are produced and aid in the preservation of traditional cultural cuisines.

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